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You Can Continue Dating despite Feeling a Bit Burned Out

Burn Out Skull

Aside from work fatigue, there’s a different kind of burnout that most singletons experience: dating burnout.

It’s when you repeat the same dating process over and over again without getting any results. Whatever the reasons are, you have already invested a lot of time and effort into it. It’s frustrating and exhausting at the same time.

If you start to feel that you’re a little burned out from dating, don’t let it stop you from finding your ideal partner. Here are a few things you can do to continue your pursuit of finding love, whether online or in person:

Don’t spend more than an hour on screener dates.

It’s frustrating to spend hours on your first date only to find out that you won’t get a second one. Screener dates should be brief and straightforward, and it should take you less than an hour to know your date on a surface level.

It’s also enough to see if you and your date have a spark.

The longer you spend time on screener dates, the less exciting it becomes. Don't leave a cloud of mystery for your partner to uncover on your second date. Aside from that, shorter dates are less likely to make you feel exhausted, regardless if it goes well or not.

Take a step back.

If you decide to take a step back from dating, it’s not acknowledging you’ll never get to find the right person for you. Instead, it’s taking a look at your previous dating experiences and realizing what went wrong and how you can make it better next time.

This way, you can redeem yourself from the blunders you’ve made in the past and approach dating from a new perspective.

Take care of yourself.

Although sometimes dating can get frustrating and exhausting, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Do what you love to do. Listen to your mind, body, and soul. Maintaining a healthy well-being improves your chances of handling dates well.

Slow down.

Most people tend to rush into dating because they’re afraid that there will be no one left to accept them or it will be too late to get into a relationship. This is a mistake.

Speeding up the entire process is a disaster waiting to happen. Don’t make dating the be-all and end-all of your existence. You have all the time in the world to go out. Take it one step at a time. If you slow down, you're less likely to get burned out from dating.

Don’t wait for a response.

If your date takes several days or a week to respond to your messages, it’s a sign that they’re in doubt or they’re not that into you.

Making assumptions is bad, but if they’re genuinely interested in you, they won’t leave you hanging or doubting yourself. They might even hint at the thought of seeing you again on a second date.

Instead of wasting your energy waiting for uncertainty, dust yourself and move on.

Dating fatigue is not a good sign, but if you feel like you’re inches away from hitting the jackpot, there’s nothing wrong if you continue dating as long as you keep it slow and steady.

This story was originally published on Medium: You Can Still Continue Dating Even If You Feel A Little Burned Out