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Being in a Romantic Relationship | Signs That You're Unhappy

A photo of a couple where the man is firmly holding his partner's hand
Latin PersonalsWatch out for the following signs to know if you’re becomingunhappy in your romantic relationship.

Throughout certain points in our lives, we yearn to be part of a romantic relationship. The thought of being intimate with someone who can also be our best friend and partner in crime always sounds so pleasing. But like any relationship, we also go through unpleasant experiences, especially when we’re with someone incompatible. So if you find yourself struggling to let go while knowing that your partner may not be healthy for you, here are 5 important signs to watch out for to know that you may be starting to feel unhappy in your relationship:

  • You feel lonely.
    The woman you’re in a relationship with is supposed to be your rock for when things go spiralling down on your end. It’s natural to have the urge to share moments with her in each passing day, to tell her things that you can’t trust anyone else with, and to long for her comforting presence.

    But when you find yourself no longer cracking up when she tells a joke or smiling at any matter that’s supposed to make you, then it’s a probable sign that you’re unhappy. Something must be pulling you down that needs to be addressed immediately because the longer you ignore how you truly feel inside, the more damage there will be in the future.

  • You worry a lot.
    Dating takes patience and continuous effort. You can’t help but worry because it shows that you really care. You want what’s best for your partner. You want them to be happy. But this habit can get so bad that you might end up forgetting who you are.

    There are times when you’ll get blinded by your desire to please your partner that you end up changing yourself into someone they idealize. This will then make you feel insecure. And with insecurity comes tons of things to worry about. You must remember that even when your partner has their own ideals, they’re with you for the reason that they love you for you. If you keep changing and forgetting about yourself, you’ll end up being unhappy.

  • You choose to be silent.
    You’re not the only person in the relationship; it takes the two of you to make it work. It takes understanding to smoothen the ride throughout your romantic journey; that’s why open communication is important to have a healthy relationship.

    While women may vary in how they deal with relationship conflicts, there are those who get so naggy that it makes you want to stay quiet. You feel that you can’t be yourself around them because they make you doubt your own thinking, thus, leading to your unhappiness.

  • You delay romance.
    The benefits of romance are among the things that make a relationship exciting. It’s a way to show how passionate you feel towards your partner. It’s what makes you feel needed, wanted, and loved. So delaying romance is a definite sign that you’ve become unhappy.

    There are other reasons that can cause this, such as being under too much stress and physical pain. When romance dies in a relationship, you know that it’s time to think about staying or moving on.

  • You want to do other things instead of being with them.
    Having the desire to do solitary activities or anything but spending quality time with your partner is among the signs that you’re unhappy with your relationship. It’s natural to have differences in hobbies that make both of you desire some alone time. But if it’s purely out of unwillingness, then you should reflect more on your relationship to see if it's still worth staying for.

All things considered, it’s always best to immediately address conflicts in your relationship. A romantic relationship has its ups and downs, and you’re supposed to work on your differences and figure out how to deal with each other to grow and become better people. But if you’re still single and yearning for a happy love life, you can sign up on our site and make use of our matchmaking services so you can meet and fall in love with someone who is genuinely compatible with you!