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A Guide to Wooing a Latina this Valentine’s Day

You must be raking your brain on how to get a Latina to fall in love with you. But here’s a fun fact: there’s no one-size-fits-all formula to win them over. Every Latina is unique, and it will take time for you to find someone you are compatible with.

girl smiling
Thanks to the internet, there are multitudes of ways for you to meet a Latina.

They each have their own distinctive qualities, and it’s up to your heart to choose which one it will fall for. So when you do find the Latina that gets your heart beating like no other, you’ll have to put your back into wooing her.

You have to approach her gently and with tact. Gone are the days when going too strong is favored. While it does win most women over, you’ll most likely find yourself going too fast. You know what happens when things go too fast? Car crashes.

So if you want a future with your ideal Latina in it, you have to wait for the right time. What better time than on the most romantic day of the year?

To help you ensure that you are going in the right direction, here are a few key tips on how to woo a Latina during your Valentine’s Date.

1. Appreciate the Effort She Puts into the Things She Loves

Anyone would feel validated and seen when their hard work is acknowledged. Whether it’s about their career, hobbies, or even personal goals, you can always show a bit of appreciation. So no matter how big or small their feat, give them a pat on the back for a job well done.

Just don’t go overboard with the accolades.

Let’s say you’re on your very first date this Valentine’s. Your Latina date opens up to you about how she moved out of her house and is living in an apartment with roommates.

This is a huge deal in the Latin community. They often stick around with their families — even when they’ve reached adulthood. Everyone has responsibilities, and they rely on each other for support. When you grow independent from that, it can be hard to adjust.

Give her a simple but genuine acknowledgment. Saying “that’s great!” is more than enough to give her that validation. Smothering her with a ton of compliments might make her feel uncomfortable and make you look desperate. Hence, it’s best to spare compliments moderately.

2. Be Genuinely Interested When She Talks About Her Interests

Everyone has a hidden interest that they don’t always share with others. It can be embarrassing to talk about, especially when the other person can’t relate.

When getting to know your date intimately, it’s best to keep an open mind about the things she’s sharing with you. It takes a great deal of courage to open up about it, and you wouldn’t want to break the trust she’s putting in you.

Whether it’s about this problematic artist whose music is dubbed as “trash” by most people, or a series that she loves that others hate, you’ll have to be genuinely interested in what she has to say.

It’s because she is comfortable with you that she tells you. Even though listening to her may seem the bare minimum, it will always be appreciated. What seems trivial to you may mean a lot to her, so best keep an open mind and listen attentively.

3. Connect with Her Through Empathy

More often than not, people mistake sympathy with empathy. They claim they understand your predicament, when in truth, they can’t even imagine what it’s like to be in your shoes.

It’s not often that you meet a Latina that opens up about her struggles. Living in a collectivist household can sometimes make them feel like their problems are petty and irrelevant. What’s more, talking about it might make it seem attention-seeking. Well, at least in their eyes.

So when she tells you of her personal struggles, don’t make a big deal out of it. All she wants is to get it off her chest so she can get a move on.

It can be hard to empathize, especially when you have different upbringings; even more so when you hail from different cultures. Not familiar with her culture? Not to worry — she’ll be more than glad to tell you more.

girl posing
Dating a foreign girlfriend has its own fair share of obstacles, such as the language barrier.

When dating a Latina, it’s essential for you to connect with her culture. Her roots are a huge part of the identity that you are slowly getting to know about. You have to accept her for everything she is — her culture included.

4. Make Her Feel Safe Around You

A gentleman is considerate and accommodating of his partner’s needs. This is what Latinas seek in a partner.

If she feels uncomfortable on your date, do your darned best to make her feel secure.

She may possibly have the first date jitters (even the smoothest of all Casanova’s are not exempt from this experience), or perhaps there is something else that’s making her feel cautious. Whatever the reason is, you get to the bottom of it and have it resolved.

You and your date will be going nowhere if either one of you is fidgety. Take the initiative to set the mood and get into a comfortable zone.

Perhaps you can make her feel at ease by taking the lead. If you feel like she’s slowly coming out of her shell, then balance out the conversation equally between you two. Your date will be smoother once you gain momentum.

5. Be Yourself

To properly woo a Latina, you have to be yourself.

In dating, it’s always important to come forward with your best foot. But with all the expectations people have for a partner, you might feel pressured to pretend to be someone you’re not.

Then again, there’s no point in dating someone who isn’t who they claim they are. Sadly, this is very common in the real world.

But that doesn’t mean you have to be one of the many people that fake their identity. If you want an honest and genuine partner, you have to portray yourself as one.

You are there on a date to find someone for you, not for the people around you. So what if you want to find a foreign girlfriend? It’s not their life to live.

Latinas are brutally honest people. You have to be just as honest if you want to win them over.

Best of luck on your Valentine’s Date!