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Celebrating National Lover’s Day When Dating a Latina

There’s always a reason for you to celebrate love, whether there’s a dedicated celebration for it or not.

But if there so happens to be an official lovers day, why not make use of this chance to commemorate your relationship?

Latinas can be quite sentimental, especially when it comes to the person they love. Don’t be surprised if your lover were to celebrate every single day dedicated to love or lovers. They will find any excuse they can think of to show how loved you are by them.

Why not pull a reverse uno card and plan a daten for this coming National Lover’s Day?

It’s a love day celebrated every 23rd of April. Next to Valentine’s day, it’s one of the most widely celebrated occasions for lovers. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to give back to your girlfriend all the love she’s showered you with.

To make sure that your special day goes as planned, here’s a step by step guide to help you out:

couple dancing
Lovers day is a good time for you to go all out on your affection.

Step 1: Pick What You Want to Do

The most crucial part of planning a date — choosing what to do.

Do you go for the usual wine and dine but someplace new? Or do you try out some new exciting activity?

The key to picking the best kind of date is knowing what your partner likes. It also helps to know what they’re currently curious about.

Though ultimately, it would be nice to pick out a new date idea for this coming lovers day. A fresh new experience can help make this day even more memorable for you both.

Here are a few date ideas you might want to look into:

  • Going to a Comedy Show

How to get a Latina to fall in love with you? Make them laugh

Comedy shows aren’t a usual go-to date, but this makes it all the more fun and exciting.

A good dose of comedy might be what you need to bring you closer to your partner. After all, you feel a lot more connected to someone when you are having fun with them.

  • Food Trip

Tired of the usual dinner dates? Take your girl out on a food trip instead.

One of the benefits of dating a Latina is that they absolutely love trying out new dishes. They like going to trendy new restaurants or food stalls that have something new to offer. Baklava, Birria taco, Brazilian stroganoff — there are so many unique dishes out there to discover and try out.

Even if it’s a dish your partner is already familiar with, it can’t hurt to try. Who knows, it might be a lot better than the ones she’s tasted.

  • Go Dancing

When you’re dating a Latina, dancing is almost a given.

Dancing is rooted deep into their culture, and plays a significant role in helping families bond.

If you don’t have any dance skills to pull up, have your partner teach her her favorite dances instead. Whether it’s hip hop or a Latin dance genre, you’re sure to have a great time.

  • Hit the Beach

Walking down the coast with your girlfriend by your side as you watch the sunset — can it get any more romantic than that?

You can never go wrong with beach dates. The cool breeze of the ocean and the clear skies really makes a huge difference in amping up your date experience.

Even if neither of you plan to swim, you can still enjoy your time with your partner by finding a good spot to relax.

Romantic dates can’t get any better than unwinding and simply enjoying each other’s company.

couple at the beach
Beaches are a very unique place for you to celebrate your love day.
  • Have a Picnic

Don’t underestimate how laidback picnics are. It may just look simple, but it takes more effort than that.

You have food to prepare and store carefully, as well as find a good spot where you won’t be bothered by the sun or wild animals.

But it’s worth seeing your girlfriend enjoy the food you’ve especially prepared for her.

Picnics are 100% worth it and it’s great for those who just want to chill, enjoy nature, and have an overall great time with their loved ones.

  • Try Adventure Sports

Dating a Latina is not for the weak. Why? Because most Latinas are adventure seekers. They like chasing the thrill of adrenaline inducing activities such as riding zip lines or parasailing.

It’s best to pick out activities that you both are qualified for. Your safety should always come first and foremost. Once you’re all set, you are more than free to scream your heart out while enjoying.

Step 2: Preparing Ahead of Time

Once you have an idea in mind, it’s time to plan out your date.

You’ll have to make a few very careful considerations when making plans such as:

  • Does your planned date require any special preparations?

  • Do you need to bring specific items?

  • How accessible is your planned date?

  • Is there a specific time when your planned date is best enjoyed?

  • Does your girlfriend have any medical conditions (such as asthma or allergies) that may affect your date?

  • Will it matter if it rains on your date?

  • Is your planned date within your means?

These are only some of the few questions that you have to ask yourself before making final preparations.

As the saying goes, it’s better safe than sorry. If you feel like something is about to go wrong on your date, like the bad weather or a misplaced reservation, it’s best to have a back up plan.

Because in truth, it’s very awkward trying to figure out what to do when you’re already in the situation. You’d probably be overwhelmed with emotions to think clearly. So while it’s not yet time, think your date through.

Step 3: Clear Out All Your Tasks

If you want a stress-free date, you have to take care of your responsibilities. Doctor’s appointment, work-related obligations, house chores — get these things done first. Then, you can fully enjoy your date without having to worry about things like “Did I leave the stove on?”

It can be quite a hassle to figure out what needs to be done to enjoy your date. But if you have it properly dealt with, the only thing you need to worry about is how you can enjoy your National Lover’s Day together.

Step 4: Enjoy!

You’ve laid out the plans, now it’s your time to enjoy it!

Your Latina girlfriend is sure to appreciate what you have planned for her. If you were to carefully consider he’ll understand that you had her in mind every step of the way.

Remember, little actions go a long way. They help you build trust and respect that makes it easier for you to fall in love day by day.