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Best Questions to Ask and AVOID with Latina Women

A photo of three beautiful Latina women
Latin PersonalsDates with Latina women shouldn’t feel uncomfortable as long as
you know what to talk about.

Latina women, like most women that you have met, have their own set of principles that they strongly adhere to.

These principles are what make them unique. Whether it is based on their culture or something that was influenced by outsiders, you can believe that Latina women are determined to follow these principles for the sake of their identity.

Thus, when dating a Latina, it is necessary to be sensitive to their culture.

You can easily disappoint one when you make the mistake of asking her a question that you shouldn’t have, and the only way to know which ones are appropriate to ask is by learning and understanding the dating culture of Latin America.

Based on one’s culture, you can easily figure out the things that you need to avoid.

For example, you should know that Latinas are very religious. Given this fact, it is, therefore, inappropriate to ask your Latina date if she believes in God, or anything pertaining to religion for that matter.

The reason why you should not ask about such things is it tends to fuel their desire to defend their religious beliefs.

In the end, you will most likely find yourself in an argument with your date about religion, and instead of learning more about each other, you will be spending your time arguing about something you could have easily avoided.

There are also some personal questions to ask a girl that may not be appropriate at a certain stage in your relationship. If you’re still in the process of getting to know each other, it’s always best to have conversations that will help bring you closer.

Knowing what to ask and talk about is always a good step towards that process. So here is a list of questions for you to consider:

Questions You Can Ask Latina Women

No matter where you are or what the mood is, if you ask a Latina the right questions, she will, without a doubt, think that you may have what it takes to be a desirable partner.

Wouldn’t that be the best feeling in the world?

If you have some free time and wish to know what would be considered good questions to ask Latina women, then here are a few simple, yet interesting ones to consider:

  1. Is it okay if I meet your family?

    “Please do.” This will most likely be what a Latina girl would answer to that question.

    These ladies love a man who knows his priorities, and for Latinas, family should always be one of your top priorities.

    It is never too early to meet her family. In fact, it will help you a lot if you get to know them as early as possible. Why? Because they can help you out when you are in a pinch. Also, their opinions matter, so you better show your Latina date that you look forward to meeting her family.

  2. What are your interests and hobbies?

    As much as possible, ask your Latina date about herself. You are, after all, the one who is courting her.

    Asking this will show her that you are indeed interested in knowing her better. When you are out on a date, make sure to focus on her, and asking questions like this is just what you need. As a result, she will share with you what she's been passionate about for a long time, what her current bucket list is, and what she aspires to be in the future.

  3. How do you find our date?

    When you are out on a date with a Latina woman, do not miss the opportunity to ask her how she is finding your date so far. This will make her realize that you are concerned about her and how she is feeling, and that you only want the best for her.

    If her answer is positive, then carry on with what you are doing, otherwise, up your game and find something that will interest her more.

  4. What are your ambitions in life?

    Ask her about her dreams and ambitions, and when she gives you her answer, show her that you support her. In doing so, you will be showing her that you do not want to get in the way of her ambitions, and rather, you want her to be able to reach those dreams.

    There is nothing more attractive than a man who supports a woman’s ambitions in life.

Questions You Should AVOID Asking Latina Women

Latina women are somewhat sensitive to certain subjects. As such, you will need to stay away from them.

These subjects can make or break your relationship, depending on its severity. It is, therefore, important to remember what subjects to avoid altogether when talking to Latina women.

If you want to get to know them better, avoid these thought provoking questions at all costs:

  1. What is your current financial status?

    This can be a subtle insult to a Latina’s intentions to date or even marry foreign men.

    It’s bad enough that interracial relationships have been drenched in negative stereotypes, it’s even worse when you yourself consider asking her about it. Don’t be the kind of person who asks about someone’s financial situation just so you can size them up and see if they are at a certain standard.

    This question is like asking her if she is after your money. Do not, and we’d like to reiterate, DO NOT make her feel like she is trying to take advantage of you. Not all Latina women who prefer to be with foreign men think that way, and you will only ruin your chances of being with her.

  2. If your family doesn’t approve of me, will you pick me over them?

    Never let Latina women choose between you and her family. You should know that they have a culture that revolves around family.

    Latinas believe that blood is thicker than water, and so when you let them choose between you and their family, they will not choose you more than half of the time.

    If you are having any issues with her family, try not to fan the flames and create a fire. Instead, work on this by spending more time with them so that they will get to know you better, and eventually change their mind about you.

  3. Do you have a sister who is as beautiful as you?

    This may sound like a friendly question, but in reality, it has red flags waving around it.

    It's like you are fishing for a backup plan. You're basically showing her that if it doesn’t work out between the two of you, you can always court her sister. That should NEVER be the case.

    Dating any of her family members when it doesn’t work out with her is a direct insult to her. If your intention for asking is pure and genuine, then you should meet her sister personally rather than suspiciously asking her about it.

  4. What do you think about a prenuptial agreement?

    This question has something to do with marriage. Even when you are still in the early stages of dating a Latina, you can’t deny the fact that there will always come a time when you end up talking about your future, and of course, marriage.

    You should know that this is an inappropriate question to ask Latina girls. Unlike most Western women who are more liberated, Latinas are more conservative, and asking a question like this will make your date think that you are treating her like a thief.

    When you decide to commit to a relationship with a Latina woman, sharing should always be a priority. What’s yours is hers, and what’s hers is yours, even when marriage is still a long way to go.

Great Conversations With Latina Women Matter

Once you familiarize yourself with the appropriate questions to ask Latina women and which ones are not, you can look forward to feeling confident and comfortable during your dates.

You won’t have to worry about deciding what questions are okay to ask, paving the way for a great conversation for the both of you. You can talk about these things over coffee, ice cream, beer, or popcorn. What’s important is that you show your interest in wanting to get to know Latina women better.